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Become a SCAPA Sponsor!

We need your support!

From helping provide technology in the classroom, to supporting the myriad practices, performances, and presentations that are core to the SCAPA learning experience, SCAPA sponsors have a direct and meaningful impact on our students, staff, and community.

To become a SCAPA Friends of the Arts School sponsor, email scapa.foas@gmail.com. We will reach out to you to discuss how you can support our students financially.

Recognition Opportunities

SCAPA presents four “Main Stage” productions each year: three at the Lexington Opera House, and one at another downtown venue. These professional-level productions are attended by more than 15,000 community members, friends, and family annually.

FCPS’s Beeler Auditorium hosts a wide range of SCAPA productions, concerts, and performances ranging from plays to vocal arts concerts, and including our annual community-focused “Concert for Peace”. Each year well over 2,400 community members, friends, and family attend Beeler Auditorium productions.

SCAPA Bluegrass and Lafayette HS are home to dozens and dozens of performances each year–poetry slams, band concerts, solo showcases, and many, many more. Over 2,000 community members, friends, and family attend these diverse presentations that showcase SCAPA students of all ages and in all arts areas.

How can you or your organization be recognized?


Live Acknowledgement from the Stage

Digital & Printed Advertisements

Social Media & Website Recognition